Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Analyze the extent of the Great Flood of 1993

For this project I overlaid the parcels and 1993 flood shapefiles. This allowed me to do an analysis of the economic loss from the flooding. I selected and created a new shapefile of all the parcels that were flooded. I then used the attribute field TOTALVAL, which was the total value of a parcels land and building, to create a visual representation of the damage. By using graduated colors and breaking the TOTALVAL attributes into 5 classes, I created a map that showed economic loss of parcels by colors. I had some trouble with deciding on how to classify the data. I decided that creating 5 classes would be the easiest way to show the difference in economic loss of the flooded parcels. When I had more than 5 colors, I found it hard to see where the numerical change was in the graduated colors.

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